Transportation: Carbon Drawdown Potential in Georgia

A collection of icons of vehicles including an electric car and truck, a car, a subway train, and a bike

December 19th, 2023 Transportation Seminar

You can view our PowerPoint outlining our transportation solutions in the link attached here


TransportOVER THE PAST 5 YEARS: Transportation has become Georgia's largest source of GHG emissions, and they are increasing

Transportation emissions surpassed pre-pandemic (2017) levels in 2021, emitting 59.6 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents in 2021, 4.0% higher than its 57.3 MMtCO2-e in 2017. Gasoline-powered cars, pick-ups, and SUVs returned to pre-COVID levels. In contrast, emissions from diesel-fueled medium/heavy-duty trucks and buses grew by 16.1%, driven by a boom in the online retailing industry and accounting for nearly all of the sector's growth in emissions. Emissions in 2023 were slightly higher than in 2021; the breakdown between gasoline and diesel can no longer be tracked by county.

Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicle icon

The cost of a new EV is expected to be comparable to that of internal combustion engine vehicles over the next decade.

Carbon Drawdown Potential: 1 Megaton of reduction = 4 typical landfill facilities with 5 MW gas-to-energy systems

Energy Efficient Cars

Energy Efficient CarsThe vast majority of the 8.5 million registered cars in Georgia have traditional internal combustion engines meaning a big opportunity for energy efficient vehicles.

Carbon Drawdown Potential: 1 Megaton of reduction = Improve fleetwide fuel economy for light duty vehicles 3%

Energy Efficient Trucks

Energy Efficient Truck iconIncreasing fuel efficiency for both new and existing trucks can lead to significant emission reductions.

Carbon Drawdown Potential: 1 Megaton of reduction = Reduce diesel fuel use in medium and heavy duty trucks 10%

Mass Transit

Mass Transit iconFor passengers, mass transit can frequently be the cheapest mode of travel (and the lowest CO2 option)

Transit options in Georgia released ~0.245 lbs of CO2 per passenger mile, compared to 0.891 lbs for a single occupancy vehicle.

Carbon Drawdown Potential: 1 Megaton of reduction = 320,000 additional households in Transit Oriented Developments 

Alternative Mobility

Alternative mobility icon87% of daily trips in the US occur in personal vehicles and prior to the pandemic, adults spent 1 hour driving every day.

Replacing short trips with walking, biking, and micro e-mobility can all contribute to emissions reductions. Telecommuting has become an important source of reduction as well.

Carbon Drawdown Potential: 1 Megaton of reduction = Eliminate 2.5% of car trips